Episode #13
Another Time Machine.
(this is for you Rachel)
It begins in the school, Kotomi is drilling Ami and asking what has happened thus far between Junta and her. Ami tells the truth and states that Junta has done nothing with her, and Kotomi, obviously annoyed asks why. Here Junta enters the room, and is ready to begin a conversation with Ami, but his friends, deny him that and Ami, and Junta (because of their friends) are not able to talk at all. The scene switches here to Junta's house and home. The sun has already set. A horrible screeching and screaming can be heard and on further inspection you find that it is Karin... SINGING. Oh no. Anyway, all of Junta's friends are huddled around Karin and claims that her singing is above all and the best they have ever heard (of course they lie. Men or boys rather have a tendency to do so from time to time :)). Junta is sitting by himself annoyed at his friend and annoyed at Karin too. Karin finishes her wailing and sits down beside Junta. Karin and Junta gets into a fight of course about absolutely nothing and then Karin starts crying. You soon find out why though, apparently she's been into the 'Sake' and her emotions are kinda wacky. She then gets really angry and starts throwing Junta around like a doll. The noise carries through Junta's windows and through the walls of Ami's house. Mad Ami gets up opens her window and shouts for Junta and all his friends to basically shut up. Karin at this time passes out (too much 'sake'). Junta walks Karin back to his time machine and on his way back home runs into Ami. They have a brief discussion about Junta's slacking of in school, and then they part their seperate ways. Meanwhile, within the major city, something is coming. Static jumps within the alleys and accompanied by a shower of sparks another time machine appears. Two voices are heard from the inside of the time machine, one male and one female. The talk about the operations and how everything was going well. Right then the police arrive, and start advancing towards the time machine with weapons drawn. Before they get to the time machine though, it zips away back into the future, however it's occupants are left behind in our time. The female is worried about how they will return, for the time machine they came in just went back to the future, and the male responds by telling her not to worry, the time machine to get home was already here in this time. He could refer to only one thing. Karin's time machine. Karin is unaware that anything is wrong, she is still sleeping off the sake she overdid earlier that evening (not that great of a role-model eh?)
The next day Junta and Ami arrive at Karin's time machine to check up on Junta's condition. His progression has been going along very well, and Karin thinks within a few weeks or days the mega-playboy will be gone forever. This pleases everyone. Junta can no longer fear the consiquences, Ami can have Junta and only Junta, and Karin can have that (oh no, not again) sweet sweet home with all the goodies. The scene switches here to a hospital, where, on the top floor, Ryuji sleeps, all bandaged up, Saeki by his side. He is heeling, and is said to be able to leave in a very short time. Ryuji takes the time to apologize to Saeki for putting her through everything he has put her through. Saeki, shakes her head and changes the subject. She says she should go change the flowers so he has some fresh ones in the room. She leaves and Ryuji closes his eyes to take a nap. Outside however a mysterious man appears and hovers outside Ryuji's window about 8 stories up! The odd man looks down at Ryuji and says something along the lines of 'let us see your true power'. He, the odd man, then presses a button which toys with Ryuji's already damaged mind. Ryuji weak can not withstand the supreme power of the future technology. Down on the sidewalk Ami, and Junta are together going in the direction of I guess their neighborhood when they pass the hospital. Ami shouts that she saw a person hovering outside Ryuji's window, and Junta, of course, does not believe her. However right then a window shatters, and Junta knows something must be up so they go to investigate. Inside Ryuji is going crazy punching and hurting anyone that would happen to get in his way. Junta and Ami, are there in no time, and Ryuji starts going after them. Right before Ryuji attacks Junta, and Ami, Saeki comes out of the room, wounded and shouts asking, beggin Ryuji not to hurt them. Confused, torn, and scared Ryuji does the only thing he can. He jumps out the window. Junta runs over to see what the fate of his old foe was and finds Ryuji walking casually on the sidewalk. Junta and Ami give chase. Back at Karin's time machine, the mystery man appears and introduces himself as Mori, the director of the environmental department. Karin claims that no one from the future told her that he was to be expected, and that's when he replied that he told no one he was leaving. Behind Mori, a deadly combat robot appears. Outside, Ryuji appears at the old abandoned fairgrounds where Karin's time machine is hidden, and behind him Junta and Ami arrive. Ryuji quickly disapears from Ami/Junta's view, and before they can react a woman (who I think is supposed to be very pretty, but I don't see it) drops down and approaches Junta and Ami. She says 'hello' to Junta, and refers to him as 'Great Grandpa'. The episode ends right after this.