Episode #10
Ryuji's Dangerous Powers.
Karin is crying on the rooftop. She failed, and now she fears the future, and what might happen if she returned. She still believes she'll be executed. Ryuji is still transformed. He still looks like Tomoko. He is very scared and confused, and it seems the only way that he calms down is if he thinks as the event as a power that he now has. Ami, Tomoko, and a nurse are rushing up the stairs to find and help Ryuji. Tomoko reaches the top of the stairs first, and enters the bathroom to find Ryuji with the face of her! Scared and freaked she leaves the bathroom and screams very loudly. The nurse sees this and decides to enter the bathroom to investigate. When she enters she see Ryuji, in his normal sight. He leaves the bathroom, thanks Ami, and Tomoko, then he runs off happy at the new powers he has gained. At this time Ryuji turns into Junta and asks to see Ami alone. Ami agrees and Ryuji (remember he looks like Junta) takes her to a secluded room, and locks the door. Up on the rooftop, the real Junta is talking and trying to comfort Karin. He then states that just because he has the mega-playboy DNA doesn't mean he can't fight it and win. He says that he'll do whatever it takes to complete Karin's mission. Back in the secluded room, Ryuji is raping Karin. He is doing this so Ami will never like Junta again, thus giving Ryuji the revenge he wanted. He almost has sex with Ami when he suddenly changes form to Ami. Now he realizes he can't proceed looking like the women he is about to rape, so he runs off (Ami kept her eyes closed so she never witnessed Ryuji's change, this makes Ami believe Junta really did do everything). The scene switches to the real Junta with Karin who have just arrived at the time machine. They then check the readings and sees that Junta's possibilty of becoming, and staying the mega-playboy is very good (in fact it's over 100% if that is possible). That night at Tomoko's house, Ryuji knocks on the door, when Tomoko comes to open the door, you see that once again Ryuji has changed his appearance to look like Junta. (oh no!)
Ryuji (still looking like Junta) grabs Tomoko and snatches off some of her clothes. She then states that she will be happy to do anyhing with Junta just if he is serious about her. Well this angers Ryuji. The reason is that he didn't understand why Tomoko liked Junta enough that she would have sex with him. In fact Ryuji gets so mad that he throws Tomoko down on the floor and runs off. Outside, in the pooring rain, Ryuji promises that Junta will pay for all the touble he has caused him. The next day Junta, on his way to school, runs into Ryuji. They both walk to a nearby alley where Ryuji explains what he had done to Ami (he makes it sound really bad). Junta doesn't believe anything, how could Ryuji look like Junta. At that time Ryuji shows Junta his power of transformation. Now Junta is really angry. He tries to attack Ryuji, but it is futile. That day at school Junta looks for Ami. However, Kotomi states that she is absent from school. Junta frowns and decides to go on a walk. When he finally arrives at his house, he sees Ami inside his room waiting for him. Ami is obviously really hurt. She asks how could Junta do this to her, but Junta doesn't say anything because he knows she would never believe him. So he just sits there. Frusterated, Ami gets up and starts hitting him with a pillow. She then runs out of the room. Junta is now very angry, and he seeks out Karin. When he finds her, he says he wants to become the mega-playboy.